Committed and Eat, Pray, Love
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Committed and Eat, Pray, Love

Elizabeth Gilbert faced down a premidlife crisis by doing what we all secretly dream of – running off for a year to find herself. She got more than she bargained for: she found herself, found love and got committed.
Her travels through Italy, India and Indonesia resulted in the megabestselling and deeply beloved memoir Eat, Pray, Love, about her process of finding herself by leaving home. Eat, Pray, Love has spent over 200 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller List, is published in more than thirty languages and has sold over seven million copies.
Her latest book, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage, a somewhat sequel to Eat, Pray, Love, is also a New York Times Best Seller and is a meditation and contemplation of the institution of marriage from a multitude of historical and modern perspectives. It also chronicles how she made peace with marrying again.
Gilbert also owns and runs the import shop Two Buttons in Frenchtown, New Jersey.
  • Learn why creative minds and suffering don't have to be linked.
  • Learn how to still live a fulfilled life even if your great success is behind you.
  • Learn a different way to think about creative genius.
  • Learn about the meaning of marriage & relationships in the 21st century.
  • Learn what it means to be a man; how they want to be seen.
"Elizabeth Gilbert is everything you would love in a tour guide, of magical places she has traveled to both deep inside and across the oceans: she's wise, jaunty, human, ethereal, hilarious, heartbreaking, and God, does she pay great attention to the things that really matter." - Anne Lamott
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Time Magazine has named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world. She has presented at TED Conference and has been on the Oprah Winfrey Show on numerous occasions. She’s a longtime magazine writer – (believe it or not, she started out writing about men for GQ) covering music and politics for Spin and GQ – as well as a novelist and short-story writer. Her work has been the basis for two movies so far (Coyote Ugly, based on her own memoir, a 1997 GQ article, of working at the famously raunchy bar), and the recent Eat, Pray, Love, with the part of Gilbert played by Julia Roberts.
‘What I learned about marriage is that it will take any shape, adapt to any circumstances, in order to endure.’ – Elizabeth Gilber
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Following Gilbert’s presentation a conversation will be moderated by Dr. Richard Grayson, author, associate professor and psychotherapist. He is the host of the weekly radio show, ‘Mindful Living’ on the Progressive Radio Network and founder of the National Institute for the Psychotherapies. In his groundbreaking book Mindful Loving, featured in O Magazine, Dr Grayson shares his breakthrough techniques for creating deeper and more lasting connections with our loved ones.
‘You were given life; it is your duty to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.’ – Elizabeth Gilbert
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