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We’ve heard it said before, by poets and sages and songwriters: “All you need is love,” “love conquers all,” “love your enemies.” We know that love is the answer; we agree with the golden rule. So, why then, is it so difficult for us human beings to be the love we long to see in the world? Why do we struggle and fumble in our attempts to give and receive love with our mates, our kids, our friends and colleagues? These are always relevant questions, and they are even more pressing now, when we as citizens we are being called to love beyond the boundaries of difference.

It takes courage to love well—to love oneself, to love our family, to love people with whom we may disagree at work and in the world. Elizabeth Lesser, author and co-founder of the Omega Institute, has spent her life seeking understanding about what it means to be true to oneself and at the same time, authentically connected to others.

She’s a modern day ‘Anam Cara’, soul-friend in the Irish language. Her new book, Marrow: A Love Story, a mesmerizing and courageous memoir, is the story of two sisters uncovering the depth of their love through the life-and-death experience of a bone marrow transplant.

Join us for this magical evening as we explore together the complex question about what it really means to love, and the healing process of putting aside pride and defensiveness to make way for soul-baring and truth-telling. She will also share the deeper transformational lessons that can be learned from difficult moments.

Lesser will be joined in conversation by TED PRIZE storyteller and Executive Director of Women, Action, & the Media, Jamia Wilson.

We Will Explore 

  • Insights into how to authentically communicate with people you love
  • How to have the difficult conversations with the people you love
  • How to develop stronger relationships with people you love
  • When, if and how to say the ‘unsayable’ between 2 people
  • How to steady ourselves in the presence of evil
  • How to stand up for your moral integrity with love
  • You don't have to wait for a life-or-death situation to clean up the relationships that matter

Out beyond the ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field I will meet you there. - Rumi

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ELIZABETH LESSER is a bestselling author and the cofounder of Omega Institute. Elizabeth’s first book, The Seeker’s Guide, chronicles her years at Omega and distills lessons learned into a potent guide for growth and healing. Her New York Times bestselling book, Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow sold more than 300,000 copies and has been translated into 20 languages. Her latest book, Marrow: A Love Story, is a memoir about Elizabeth and her younger sister, Maggie, and the process they went through when Elizabeth was the donor for Maggie’s bone marrow transplant.

In 2008 she helped Oprah Winfrey produce a ten-week, online seminar based on Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth. The webinar was viewed by more than 8 million people worldwide. She was a frequent host on Oprah’s Soul Series, a weekly radio show on Sirius/XM, and a guest on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday television show.

In 2011, Elizabeth gave a popular TED talk called “Take The Other to Lunch,” a call for civility and understanding as we negotiate our differences as human beings. In 2016 she gave another TED Talk, “Say Your truths and Seek Them In Others,” a lyrical, unexpectedly funny talk about heavy topics such as frayed relationships and the death of a loved one.

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JAMIA WILSON is many things: An activist. A feminist. A storyteller. A mediamaker. A writer. But more than anything, she is a natural-born thought leader. She speaks three languages, lived in Saudi Arabia 11 years and has travelled to 18 countries. As Executive Director of Women, Action, & the Media, TED Prize Storyteller, Jamia has been a powerful force in the social justice movement for nearly a decade.

As a leading voice on feminist and women’s rights issues, her work and words have appeared in and on several outlets such as New York MagazineThe Today Show, and The Washington Post.” Jamia has spoken alongside feminist greats like Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda, a true next generation leader, she has graced the stage at TED Women, Netroots Nation, SXSW, Ford Foundation, Twitter and Facebook.

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