Finding joe
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Finding joe


Finding Joe is a movie about the inevitable and often unexpected crossroads at which we often find ourselves in life -- the metaphorical fork in the road that forces a choice. It challenges us to leave what is familiar and journey into the unknown, to quest for something more. On this journey we generally have to face and overcome obstacles that forge personal transformation which ultimately brings us home to ourselves, but in a more highly realized fashion.

It’s a movie that both details the life’s work of Joseph Campbell, and inspires the audience to take a leap of faith—to endeavor to live an epic life. Finding Joe also reveals how transcendent myths brim with various metaphors related to challenge and breakthrough, like the of slaying dragons, killing wicked witches, finding treasures and meeting wise teachers. Each hero’s journey illustrates a quest that leads to the holy grail of self-discovery.

The movie also makes plain that one can never “win the ring” without one’s own effort -- no hero receives “the boon,” or gift of transcendence without having won it for oneself by overcoming inertial forces, especially fear.

Campbell was a highly esteemed mythologist. He studied the whole corpus of world mythology—all cultures, ancient to modern. His research and creative insight led him to discover a pattern out of which all myths related to human evolution are constructed. That pattern he called “the hero’s journey.”

Join us as Finding Joe takes us on the ultimate hero’s journey: the journey of self discovery.  It’s truly an inspirational and life enriching film -- running time 80minutes.

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