How to design the life you love
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“When it comes to your life, there is no such thing as design. There is only redesign.”


“You are designed to reinvent and re-create yourself, over and over again”.

From everyday objects to fashion to packaging and graphics, design solves problems and strives to make the world a better place. If we can design anything and everything, why not design your life?

So many of us dream about the lives we want but don't get around to living it. This workshop will offer a design process, Deconstruction and ReconstructionTM, as a creative tool to help you design and live the life you absolutely love. The workshop will draw from Deconstruction and ReconstructionTM concepts in fields as diverse as design, fashion, art and culinary arts, and the work of thinkers such as Issey Miyake, Ferran Adria, James Dyson and Steve Jobs, for inspiration.

The workshop was featured in a Huffington Post article and in DEXIGNER Magazine.

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The workshop will be lead by Fulbright scholar and award-winning designer Ayse Birsel who strives to design the life she wants to live. Birsel was recently interviewed on NY Brand Lab Radio, where she spoke about life, its meaning, and how to re-imagine your world.

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