WHEN YOU’RE FALLING, RISE: The Art and Science of Resilience
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An Evening with Dr. Maria Sirois and Mark Matousek

WHEN YOU’RE FALLING, RISE: The Art and Science of Resilience

Why do some people blossom through adversity while others fall apart? What mysterious power gets us back on our feet after we’ve been knocked down? What do we mean by “the art and science of resilience,” and the transformational possibility of growing to become our best selves in life’s most challenging moments?

Maria Sirois and Mark Matousek have spent decades exploring these urgent questions, in clinical practice, personal memoir, and interviews with some of the world’s great survivor artists. Combining their experiences here for the first time, Sirois and Matousek offer a road map to personal evolution in times of transition, using stories, practices, and principles of resilience.

Integrating the burgeoning field of positive psychology with the science of resilience, as well as spiritual wisdom, they provide a template for growth that incorporates the reality of what is most difficult in our lives with a scaffolding for thriving anyway. “When you tell the truth, your story changes. When your story changes, your life is transformed.”

Using brief writing exercises, Matousek will guide participants through the process of self-reinvention through radical truth telling and the shifting of what Emerson called “the angle of vision,” a critical skill for resilience. Sirois will discuss “the genius of the AND,” and the vital importance of introspection, inspiration, and beauty on the path of healing. She reminds us that while none of us is spared suffering, neither does the world withhold beneficence. Rising requires attention to both and the capacity to face the truth of one’s living with self-compassion and a fierce desire to grow.

Please join us for this extraordinary evening …..

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Dr. Maria Sirois is an inspirational speaker and clinical psychologist who has worked in the intersection of psychology and wellbeing for more than twenty years. She brings a depth of experience, weaving together inspirational story and poetry with research to enable us to move forward toward the life we most want: one filled with vitality, health and meaning. Maria teaches internationally, and is featured often with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, bringing to audiences the latest tools and practices from the field of positive psychology that enliven our work, our relationships and our overall wellbeing.

An author as well, her book Every Day Counts: Lessons in Love, Faith and Resilience is used as a teaching tool in wellness centers, hospices and hospitals and brings forward wisdom from those who are living while dying. She is currently working on a new book, A Short Course in Happiness After Loss (and Other Dark, Difficult Times). For more information about Maria visit www.mariasirois.com

Mark Matousek is the author of two award-winning memoirs, Sex Death, Enlightenment: A True Story (an international bestseller) and The Boy He Left Behind: A Man’s Search For His Lost Father (Los Angeles Times Discovery Book), as well as When You’re Falling, Dive: Lessons in the Art of Living and Ethical Wisdom: The Search for a Moral Life. A featured blogger for Psychology Today, Purple Clover, Huffington Post, he has contributed to numerous anthologies and publications including The New Yorker, O: The Oprah Magazine (contributing editor), The New York Times Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Yoga Journal, Details, The Saturday Evening Post, AARP, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and many others.

A popular lecturer and writing teacher, he is on the faculty of the New York Open Center, The Omega Institute, The Mandala Center, Kripalu, Esalen, Hollyhock, and Mount Madonna, and is the Creative Director of V-Men (with Eve Ensler), an organization devoted to ending violence against women and girls. His latest book is Ethical Wisdom for Friends.



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A book signing will take place following the conversation and the books will be available for purchase.

“When you tell the truth, your story changes. When your story changes, your life is transformed.”

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